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Privacy policy

Your privacy is a great concern to us. Read below to see what information is collected when you use any app of Little Monkey Technology, why it is collected, and how it is used to improve your overall experience when using the App.

We DO NOT COLLECT ANY INFORMATION THAT YOU PROVIDE while using this app. When you allow internet access for the apps, it’s only establish for its core features. it does not collect any personal information or transmit such information to a server or third party.

As we do not collect any personal information, your personal information is safe will not be disclosed to any third party unless you have consented explicitly to such a disclosure, or where there is a legal requirement for this to happen.

Some of the features (including Cloud Computing) of apps needs you to enable internet access. NO personal information will be stored.

Any changes to this policy will be posted to an update of the App. You are advised to regularly view our most recent privacy policy.

Last Updated: December 05, 2023